Since 2024, we have launched a new magazine which deals with health prevention /promotion. Experts from different fields such as dentistry, nutrition, microbiome, systemic health, behaviour economics, etc. are offered a platform to publish their latest research results, experiences and opinions. THE ESSENCE goes along with the AVOLA DECLARATION ASSOCIATION which is a multidisciplinary group on enthusiats engaged in oral and systemic health. We can do more for society, let's do it together for the benefit of all. If you wish to learn more visit this website: 


From 2020 - 2023, I was editor and producer of TOP GEAR, a magazine to inspire discerning orthodontists. Our goal was to create a magazine diving into the world of orthodontics and people who are passionate about it. Funny though, we did not write much about orthodontics - except for some literature summaries or a few clinical cases - we explored Switzerland and its traditions; we introduced highly talented professionals from completely different fields e. g. Struther Watchmakers or Bellerby Globemakers; or we introduced innovative female entrepreneurs. All in all, producing this high quality magazine was a real joy and motivation. My thanks go to Jan Peters (Kaiseraugst, AG) who is a very competend and experienced editor, Jacqueline Graf (St. Gallen), she is a talented graphic designer with nerves of steel and last but not least, the print shop APPENZELLER DRUCKEREI, who kept promises and deadlines at all costs.